Shop Bunny Supplies

Scroll down for our recommendations for the best rabbit supplies available:

Food ~ Treats ~ Water DISPENSERS ~ Litter ~ Living Spaces ~ Beds ~ Toys ~

CBD Oil ~ Bunny Proofing




Alfalfa hay for rabbits under 1 year old only


Treats & Forage

hay based treats

Hay based treats for your bun - save 10% by clicking the image or use code ALLTHINGSRABBITS

natural wood chews

Natural wood chews & more from Crazy Critter Toys - click to instantly save 10% or use code ALLTHINGSRABBITS


Litter Training

Bunny-Safe CBD Oil


Choose from berry, lemon or raw flavors

Living Spaces & Beds

NOTE: We strongly recommend that rabbits either be free roaming inside or have a secured large area to run. Enclosures below should be joined together to create a large space for your rabbit to hop around. Click here to learn more about living spaces for your rabbit.

Teacup Nethies

Shop Teacup Nethies for bedding, tunnels, cage liners, toys and more! Use discount code ALLTHINGSRABBITS10 to save!


We do not recommend keeping a rabbit in a hutch full-time, they should have a pen attached to the hutch for more space or able to run freely under your supervision.



Bunny Proofing

Health & Grooming

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